dilluns, 29 de gener del 2018

Nº 262. 24 Congrés Internacional de Biologia Subterrània

Cada dos anys se celebra la Conferència Internacional de Biologia Subterrània (que en realitat és un Congrés). La de l'any 2016 va tenir lloc a Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA. Enguany tindrà lloc a la Universitat d'Aveiro, Portugal.
Logo de l'anterior Congrés

Hem rebut la circular que informa d'aquest important acte i el volem fer arribar a tots els que puguin estar-ne interessats.

La Universitat d'Aveiro ja havia organitzat la II Trobada Ibèrica de Biologia i compten amb un gran equip de recerca de la vida subterrània.
Auditori de la Universitat d'Aveiro


Ana Sofia Reboleira, Chair of the Organizing Committee
Fernando Gonçalves, Co-Chair
Committee Members:
Rosalina Gabriel
Paulo Borges
Pedro Oromí (Spain)
Alberto Sendra (Spain)
Joana Pereira, Head of secretariat


David Culver (USA)
William Jeffery (USA)
Daniel Fong (USA)
Markus Friedrich (USA)
Megan L. Porter (USA)
Annette Summers Engel (USA)
Steve Taylor (USA)
Florian Malard (France)
Stefano Taiti (Italy)
Tiziana DiLorenzo (Italy)
Diana Galassi (Italy)
Tanja Pipan (Slovenia)
Peter Trontelj (Slovenia)
Lubomir Kováč (Slovakia)
Oana Moldovan (Romania)
Ignacio Ribera (Spain)
Henrik Enghoff (Denmark)
William Humphreys (Australia)
Steven Cooper (Australia)


Sunday  19 August 2018

Dorm Room Check In – Begins at 15:00 at the lobby of Santiago Campus University Residence
18:30–20:30 pm  Informal Pre-Conference Gathering & Conference Check-in

Monday  |  20 August 2018

08:00–09:00 am  Registration at Reitoria Main Auditorium
9:30  Opening Ceremony
10:30–18:00  Conferences and poster presentation
18:30  Meeting of the Council of the International Society for Subterranean Biology

Tuesday  |  21 August 2018

9:00–18:00  Conferences and poster presentation
18:30  Meeting of the IUCN SSC Cave Invertebrate Specialist Group

Wednesday  |  22 August 2018

7:30 am  Fieldtrip to the major karst massif of Portugal
Cave Lab visit  |  Karst Lunch  |  Karst Tour  |  Return to Aveiro
(*If you have reduced mobility contact the organisation, this visit is also adapted for you.)

Thursday  |  23 August 2018

9:00–18:00  |  Conferences and poster presentation

Friday  |   24 August 2018

9:00–16:00  Conferences and poster presentation
16:30  General Assembly of the International Society for Subterranean Biology
18:30  Meeting of the new council of the International Society for Subterranean Biology
20:00  Conference Banquet & Presentation of Best Student Presentations Awards

24th International Conference on Subterranean Biology
20-24th August 2018, University of Aveiro, Portugal
The 24th International Conference on Subterranean Biology will take place in the University of Aveiro, Portugal, following the previous conference held in the University of Arkansas in 2016, chaired by Dr. David Culver.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, of the 24th International Conference on Subterranean Biology, I would like to welcome the members of the International Society for Subterranean Biology, biologists and those interested in life in the subterranean spaces. This conference is sponsored by the University of Aveiro and will be held in the University campus in Aveiro, Portugal, from 20th to 24th August, 2018.
This will be the first ICSB held in Portugal and we are willing to bring together scientists and students interested in subterranean Biology from around the planet. It will focus on the Biology of subterranean spaces: caves, wells, mss, deep subsurface, anchialine, groundwater, hyporheic, epikarst and other kinds os subterranean ecosystems. The meeting will include a series of conferences and posters for presentation and discussion of theoretical and applied advances in subterranean biology, some workshops and also a field trip to visit some of the emblematic karst caves of Portugal. Pre and post-trips will also be available.
In addition to contributed papers and poster sessions, several special symposia on topics such as evolution and development as well as conservation are being planned. The meeting itself will be hosted on the campus of the University of Aveiro. A number of special events are also being planned, including a day long excursion, several receptions and workshops. More information will soon be available on this website.
Ana Sofia Reboleira, Chair of the Organising Committee
Committee Members: Fernando Gonçalves (Co-Chair), Rosalina Gabriel, Paulo Borges, Pedro Oromí, Alberto Sendra.
Per a més informació, contactar a: